'The Sofas of the Saints'

--Gavin Praeter-Pinney

I was listening to a podcast about clouds yesterday ... taken from a story in the New York Times about the Cloud Appreciation Society and how its founder, Mr. Praetor-Pinney, backed by good will and good nature  challenged the august World Meteorological Organization and got a new cloud named .

When I looked out the window yesterday, all I saw was rain and a very dark sky. The clouds today, however, were worthy of Mr. Praetor PInney's comment that lying on one's back in an open field and looking at the clouds passing overhead can be a 'meteorological meditation'. I have written about him before because I find him and his subject both delightful and fascinating.

if you love clouds, check out this  apple podcast called The Sunday Read:: 'The Amateur Cloud Society That (Sort Of) Rattled the Scientific Community'
It's a nice escape....

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