Beech Avenue, Mote Park

It’s been a while since I’ve posted this marvellous avenue of beech trees at the entrance to Mote Park so I thought it was about time they got another airing.

We walked into town for a bit of shopping having to negotiate floods over the roadway by squelching up and along a muddy bank. I’ve been in correspondence with the park authorities as each time we have any rain two parts of the circular footpath are underwater. One area is likely to be fixed soon, the other could take the remainder of the year.

Susan had a zoom conversation was a friend while I had another Teams meeting on digital personal learning plans for young people in custody. It’s very good indeed; if the log jams preventing implementation can be breached. And I believe, for the first time, that there is a willingness to make it happen.

After a few emails I made a focaccia and Susan painted in her studio. The before and after shots is in extras.

Thank you for all your kind concerns regarding atrial fluttering. It’s more common than I realise. It’s a little better but still notice it. I’m intrigued as to whether it’s a condition that affects very fit people although I’m assured it’s not anything to do with that. I’m expecting the doctor to call tomorrow with results of the blood tests.

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