Kirkwall - 10.17 a.m.

I was dispatched into Kirkwall without breakfast to go and collect three prescriptions.  I then went straight along to S-i-L’s to make their breakfasts and deliver messages.

Back at Creel HQ the Current Mrs Creel hadn’t been lazing around smoking cheroots, no, she’d just put a second coat of paint inside her new music room.  At the site of the paint brush I had a flashback to Mr Pastry.

I then spent some time contacting my bank about amounts that have mysteriously been taken over three consecutive months. I phoned the St Nicholas Branch in Aberdeen – my call was answered by a wife from inside her kitchen in Ayr; maybe not so strange nowadays, but true.  After a bit of carry on it has to be said she was very helpful.

In case Puzzled of Lampeter is wondering what happened to the EU salt surplus – well it’s been spread on the roads in Kirkwall.  It’s not safe to question anyone’s salinity nowadays.

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