Introduced to Susie Hawley, August 1972
My Dear Princess, Loulou and Dear Fellows,
I've been feeling a bit low today. I spent a lot of it thinking about Princess Normal and how much I miss her. I have a whole bunch of our old emails which I re-read and that did me no good at all.
They contained gems like this:
We made my dad a cake for his birthday. The girls decorated it with M & Ms so it said ‘Happy 69’.
I am a good Mum for not falling on the floor laughing.
I also went to Scribbler. What is your address. I promise not to send you the “Merry Xmas Nob Head” card, although it is tempting.
I am also getting into trouble as my language firewall is slightly more relaxed as they are getting older. The other night, I found myself having to answer the question ‘we don’t use words like tw@t, do we Mummy?’
Then I had to answer
‘How rude is tw@t?’
‘what does tw@t mean?’
‘Is it worse than c u next Tuesday?’ (verbatim)
Reading all this made me laugh. But it also made me wish you were just down the road. Or just up the pub.
I went into work today. Again, it wasn't so bad. However, today was a lot quieter - just one meeting.
However, I was not really in the mood. I was bored and tired and listless. Lacking all list, I was.
So at lunchtime I decided to walk and walk to rouse myself. I found myself on Cuba Street, which is always interesting. It is pedestrianised and reminds me a little of Rose Street, except less bars and with a younger, alternate lifestyle vibe. I kind of like it, although I feel apart from it.
Two teenage girls had chalked out a circle with "DANCE FLOOR" written inside. They were prancing about and trying to entice passers-by to join them. I expect they were wanting tips, and anyway, these days I would only ever dance when drunk, in the Princess's kitchen, to ABBA. So I moved swiftly on.
I found myself back at the Pegasus used book shop, where I have been a few times before, though not recently. It is always fun to peruse a book shop like this. Where the titles are piled up in random fashion right up to the ceiling. I was looking for books on film, but couldn't even find the film section. I'm sure it is in there, somewhere.
However, I did find a couple of books to buy. A copy of "Brewer's Phrase & Fable" which I had years ago but left somewhere. And then I found a PRESENT for Tiger and Loulou! I had actually been looking for this book for them for ages, and was thinking I would have to order it from abroad, so I was delighted to find it here.
The reason I wanted to get this book for them is because they are the official organisers of The Golden Cockroach Awards and so it seems appropriate.
But also I think they will really like it. Loulou, if you wish to spoil the surprise you can look in the extras.
I do love giving books with a history. This one has someone's signature inside it and everything. It reads, "Susie Hawley - Introduced to you, 20th August, 1972".
The writing doesn't look that old, so I do not think this date is when the book was given, but perhaps in commemoration of that date.
However, the book itself was published in 1970. So I surmise the book was well-read and well-loved, before being passed on from one friend to another.
And because the date is well-remembered, and because the book is somewhat sentimental, I think this must have been a treasured gift.
That's what I think, anyway.
You can make up the history of books like this, if you wish.
As for the Princess, I hope you are having the best day ever. I love you loads and loads. And if I could easily send you a book, I would sign it, "Introduced to Princess Normal 10th April 2012"*.
* That is the day we REALLY met each other, I think.
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