
By SquirrelsEtc

Tiny Tuesday ....

... no macro squirrel.

The weather was absolutely terrible today with sleet and snow falling a lot of the day.

I should have gone out early in the day so that I could get to the deck. It wasn't until I noticed the sleet coming down that I went out for my Tiny Tuesday squirrel photos.  By then I couldn't walk outside without risk of falling.  Richard has better footing so he walked out and put some peanuts on the railing.  I stood inside the sunroom with the door open and waited for some squirrels.

I wasn't even sure anything would come around due to the sleet/snow but I needn't have worried.  This little one kept coming up, grabbing a peanut and running off ... only to return a few minutes later.  I liked the tiny piece of sleet on his/her forehead.  But you can see the lighting was awful and I was shooting at a high ISO ... producing too much noise. 

Thanks to loisbiz for hosting Tiny Tuesday all this month. 

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