First Ariki sunset in 2013

Early morning starts had caught up with me this morning and inertia kept me in bed an hour later than usual. Wouldn't have mattered most Wednesdays, as it's not usually a clinic day. However, the Court was seeking an urgent report (having not done anything about referring for about three months), and the person involved was reluctant to attend and today became the only day possible.

Afternoon was admin/letters until S and I tootled around to Westmere to see daughter J in her newly set up flat. She has done a great job of making her room (with a sunroom) into a great space to sleep, relax AND work. Desk and iMac in place and already doing some work. A celebratory glass of wine with her was not the most sensible thing as I had overlooked eating since breakfast.

Home and we prepared a meal together, while I kept an eye on the changing sky to the west, eventually being able to capture this from the deck, less than two minutes before the sun disappeared behind the Waitakeres. It is super seen large.

First Peer Review meeting tomorrow.

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