Root mash tonight
The last parsnips from the plot, still a few turnips left. The purple sprouting broccoli which I was really looking forward to eating tonight with my toad in the hole. Well............... I'm a tad annoyed, actually more than annoyed. The flippin' pigeons have eaten the lot. GRHHHHH! Tomorrow morning, weather permitting, I shall be on the plot putting up protection netting. Ground is still really cleggy so not much chance of doing much more. Might cover a couple of patches to warm the soil up before planting. I see a neighbour has 3 rows of very healthy looking broad bean plants in so perhaps I'll pop some seed up in plug trays.
It's Wednesday, so Indie walking this morning, I got to Mum's early so that I could deal with any unwanted critters that may have been trapped. Two mooses in the hoose, one in each trap. Blimey! Removed and disposed of, traps reset. Who knows how many are sharing Mum's abode, more than she'd like that's for sure. She would'nt even look to see if any had been caught. Indie & I did our normal route, really mild & warm when walking. Walking back into the village on her lead, I just managed to oik her away before she rolled in something nasty, well nearly, she needed a wash down when we got back. I also noticed someone has cut through the perimeter wire fencing to the Sibelco clay pit site. There are deer on Knighton heath so I'm wondering if someone is out stalking at night. I took some pics and will send to Sibelco in a mo. A quick coffee with Mum, then out to Bovey Tracey. Dropped the cine film through the nieces letterbox, she's working from home so did'nt want to disturb her. Back to Chudders, picked up the newspaper, dropped the pile of gardening magazines off to a lady who answered my FB offer, swung by the house collected the kitchen waste for the allotment composter. Lifted the parsnips & turnips, managed to find just enough PSB on a couple of plants I had spare, planted elsewhere. Home for lunch. Hayley & Jasper were on the pavement outside so had a quick chat. Hayley is a Stroke nurse practitioner at the RD&E, worked a 12 hour shift yesterday, said it was really, really busy. Absolutely whacked when she got home last night. Jasper, 3 years old, wide awake at 5am .. She looked worn out. Jasper asked me what I was having for dinner. I told him toad in the hole. He's never had that according to Hayley, he is dairy intolerant but she uses subs. I asked if he would like some more apples from my store for his mum to make him apple crumble. That got a thumbs up. I got a painting from him last time, a thank you pressie. It's stuck on the fridge door. :-)
Thanks to BobsBlips for hosting Wide Wednesday & suggesting 'About the house' as a theme. I did take a photo of the Hula Hoops I ate while waiting for the eggs to boil but plumped for the still life. Which is more than can be said for the mice. :-(
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