
But I really need to get my camera out for macro shots.
This morning’s Guernsey person is a little girl.

Linda Martel (1956-1961)
An extraordinary child of intense spiritual perception and an instrument of paranormal therapy.
Linda was born at Amherst’s Maternity Hospital on 21 August 1956. She was not initially expected to survive, suffering from hydrocephalus, spina bifida and a consequent paralysis of her legs. The baby was therefore hastily baptised.

When she was 11 days old she was taken to the Town Hospital to await death. Over the next few weeks her head grew disproportionately large. During this period, her father experienced a strange phenomenon in which his room was filled with a glowing light and he heard a sound like wind blowing. Linda did not die, and soon afterward the fluid was drained away from her head by means of a new American treatment for hydrocephalus. The operation was successful and the size of the head reduced.
At the age of three, Linda frequently spoke about "my Lady" and about Jesus. The Lady had a blue dress and gold chain and lived in heaven with Jesus and also looked after her. At the age of five, Linda foretold her own death, saying, "My Jesus Christ is not coming to see me many more times, but I shall soon be going to see Him." She died on 20 October 1961.

But the reason Linda became a legend was because of her ability to heal a wide variety of illnesses and ailments through touch or contact with material she had touched. One of the most extraordinary aspects of her healing was that it continued after her death. People would contact her mother and father for a piece of her clothing which they believed would heal any number of ailments. My dad actually worked with her father and dad was going to have to give up his job because of back problems. Roy gave him a piece of material from a dress of Linda’s and told him to put it on his back where the pain was. Dad was a total sceptic but did as his work mate had suggested. He never again had backache that I know of.


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