View of a vineyard through the hedge

Little of note today unless you count chairing a zoom session of representatives from YOIs, HMPPS, education providers and various others involved in digital learning for young people in custody.

How is it I’ve attained this position as I’m only a humble consultant amongst lots of people who’ve had far more experience than me? Throughout my teaching career I always wondered why I wasn’t rumbled.

The sun, blue skies and sharp cold of Monday was replaced by grey, raw cold making a walk more of an endurance than the pleasure it was yesterday.

One of those days when seeing a blip was a case of stretching the creative process to its snapping point as you can see.

A very sad landmark reached with 100,000 deaths recorded. Boris said he was truly sorry for every death and took personal responsibility for all the decisions the government made. That’s a heavy burden for anyone’s conscience. Especially when the decisions made have resulted in death rates amongst the highest in the world.

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