Side Tracked

Morning wasn't going to plan, and then got a call from a tenant - I had forgotten to grout the new floor at her house. Laid the tiles and everything, just needed finishing with grout.

So that kinda blew the afternoon. When I had got that done, a quick run to the bank, JimBob taking off round the neighbourhood, it was closing in on 4pm and the light was starting to fail which makes painting really difficult.

So I cheered myself up by buying a s/h Skill saw to replace the old one here whose blade just will not come off. (Not my little saw). Need to chop 5 doors down a bit tomorrow and the little saw just isn't the right tool when I need a 2" depth. And using a sawzall is just a little too redneck for even me.

Mason and JB are not getting along at all. Mason is continuing to mark the house, and we're waiting for a rescue network to come and collect him. JB just wants to play, Mason does not want to play so nips JB, JB goes into a "game on mode" and there is a massive escalation of violence in a few seconds. If Mason would just submit to JB, things would be a lot smoother. Submit and play tug of war with him, that is.

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