A finnish summer dream!

Easy day at work, few conference meetings and a lot of counting of statistics, as it will be until the end of march, but I had time for a short lunch and also for a 15' walk into woods in daylight.

Lovely day, +0c, sunny spots, a springly light almost.

In the evening I should have vacuumed, but after a good dinner, I had lazy evening and just enjoyed myself here in blipworld. Nice to see so many  new blippers here!

Finally we decided to make an evening walk, me and hubby. Route was about 2,7km only, but I guess that we walked fast enough, as when he saw this bench of a bus stop, he stopped there and started to chat about this advertisement.

A finnish summer dream, as you could use this only few times during finnish summer, he said. But when you did, you could not hear anything your wife says!
The boat is so loud, he told, and laughed.

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