Happy Birthday To You

Two years old today, the twins had a party at the weekend and today people have been coming around to wish them Happy Birthday and bring presents. In the photograph they are having a celebratory Chinese dinner, it's what they asked for. That's forces children for you, expanding their world at a very young age.
The bottom photograph is my visit to the GP surgery. I haven't been this year at all, apart from the Covid thing I just haven't needed too (apart from A&E when I smashed my head of course!) I don't think I've ever seen the waiting room empty. This was the upstairs waiting area, downstairs there was only one person waiting.
It was just to get some bloods taken. I usually go down to Southmead hospital in Bristol, used to be every six months now extended to annually, but I had a letter saying they'll keep the same appointment but by phone, and could I get the bloods done at my local doctors surgery.
Just keeping an eye on my kidney function and associated stuff.

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