A little lift

I remember, it was the Wednesday or Thursday of the second week of the first lockdown. I'm not anxious by nature but I had been enduring an almost constant low level stress, which mostly manifested itself as a worry about being able to feed Dan and Abi. I knew this was irrational - there was plenty of food in Booths, albeit some empty shelves around the rice, pasta, and flour areas - but that was what preoccupied me.

It was the Minx who suggested that the next time I went shopping, I should drive out to Ingleton, which is just a few miles along the A65 from Kirkby Lonsdale. This was at odds with the lockdown guidance but it seemed an unusually tempting idea so that was what I did, driving along the deserted road, any feelings of guilt and unease totally overshadowed by an unexpected euphoria.

Whatever genius instinct led to the MInx's suggestion, the outcome was that my anxiety disappeared, and so began my ongoing consideration of the rules versus mental health. Now, to be clear, I am not suggesting having a few friends around your house for drinks because that will cheer you up. I think there are things that we can do - safely - that make us feel disproportionately better.

I remembered this, today, as I drove back from the shops and the overcast weather briefly gave way to some blue sky and this illuminated cloud, which brought a little lift to my heart.

Reading: nothing yet

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