A Calm January Morning

A frosty morning, and a beautiful sunny morning.  Clouded over by lunchtime, and some showers.  A lovely calm and clear night.

A day working from home, and sorting some Up Helly Aa photos.  Mam and dad popped by at lunchtime, and headed out for a walk, and it rained on us.  More walkies with Sammy this evening, and now meet up.  One more Coronavirus case recorded in Shetland today. 

Shame I missed the lovely day, but I enjoyed it from my desk, and when I was out with the washing.  We have really been pretty lucky this winter, a lot of fine days, and not too many gales.  It's looking like a pretty good week of weather ahead too.  Taken from my garden, Houl Road, Scalloway.  

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