
The snow was still there this morning - much to the delight of the boys.  There will be tears when it goes (Wednesday I think it will be).  The youngest's teacher sent a very sensible email with work for the day, yesterday evening,  with the caveat (in bold) that if the snow was still there then the children should all get out in the snow if possible.  So we did.  

The eldest had a task set for his English to follow a set of instructions, so we made cup-cakes.  Hence, by lunch time, we'd done the days of the week and months of the year (every, single day...), maths, played outside, two online lessons for the eldest and made cup-cakes... 

The eldest and I have been feeling quite shattered today.  He struggled with some things that he wouldn't ordinarily struggle with, and I have been out of energy.  I had a sneaky sleep on the sofa with boys when they had tv, then the eldest opted to stay at home for the dog walk.  

Today I'm grateful for: 
Teachers who are wonderfully flexible with the day and their expectations
Afternoon walk with the youngest, I so rarely get time with them on their own
Single figures for the running - it didn't feel achievable at the start, but it's been fantastic. 

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