Lockdown 3 day 21

Woke up at 6:00
Text from the children’s school saying they were closed!
Slightly frustrating as they had said they would open last night whereas other local had closed.

Snuggled back down and woke at 7

Had to wake munchie up

A day of home learning and home teaching
It wasn’t without hitches
At one point we had two iPads,
Two laptops
and my phone all being used

Don’t know how some families cope with the demands places upon them

Slacked off at 2:30
Nice 5km walk
We explored a new route - but it had been blocked off for a new housing site- need to work out what’s what

Tinkers had fun sledging on their bums!
Home for hot chocs and cuddles

Tinkers are in tomorrow
Assume I’m in too
Not yet heard

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