Here we go again – Day 21

Three weeks in lock down done. We've got at least another three weeks of this to endure and let's face it...................... we all know it's going to go on for a lot longer. Wish these politicians would adopt the, 'under promise and over deliver', approach. If they told us we'd be locked down until Easter, and then let us out in March, we'd all be really happy!!! ….........Oh well, ho hum, it is what it is I suppose.

Went for a long snowy walk around 'Merchants Golf Course' this morning. It was hard going for my human because it's quite hilly and we were constantly going up and down on icy snow. Now she's got sore legs and a sore back.

This afternoon we went for a walk to 'Bruntsfield Links' but the grass was a bit of a muddy mess because the temperature heated up so all the snow has started to melt. Our weather app is telling us that there is going to be more snow falling tomorrow but often our weather app lies!!!

On the way home we had to pop into the garage to pick up our car, which was having a service & MOT. Just another example of a business that now seems to be 'essential' but wasn't during 'proper lock down.' MOTs were delayed during proper lock down. Anyway Ann didn't realise that when a car has an MOT they check the inside of the car as well, she passed her driving test in 1978 and bought her first car in 1984 so how she didn't know this is a mystery so she'd just left my crate and all the other rubbish stuff like wellies and balls and towels and shopping bags in there. Well, when we picked it up, they hadn't re-folded down half the back seats so my crate wasn't sitting securely. There was no way I could travel in it, in the position it was in. So do you know what I did? ..................... Ann let go of my lead while she sorted everything out and I was the bestest little collie ever. I just sat on the forecourt in good dog mode and didn't go wandering off. Ann was so, so pleased with me. I really have turned into a mature, sensible, grown up dog.

Home and I had to have snooze time while Ann sorted out a load of financial stuff. MOT & car service paid for, car tax paid for, tax bill paid. ...............You have no idea how much money Ann has spent today?! …...........All at the click of a button or a tap on a machine. It's scary!!

And what is really annoying.................

 .........................Mini-rant coming up now........................ is all these people who are on furlough, who keep posting on social media, 'Not going out, Saving loads, Going to book a fab holiday when this is all over.'

In retrospect, when we decided to make Edinburgh our permanent home, we should have registered our house in Cornwall as a Business and not a Second Home and then we would have been entitled to £10,000. But we didn't, so we aren't entitled to anything. ….........Ann knows people who have second homes (registered as a business) and have taken the £10,000 government pay-out and now have hot tubs in their gardens and new sofas in their living rooms. #itsallwrong The payments should be going to the families in high rise flats, where the parents are/were working all hours in minimum wage jobs and don't know how they're going to feed their kids. And don't even have much 'green space' around to take them out for their daily exercise.

OK RANT over.

I've gobbled up all my dinner because cold weather makes me hungry and now I'm snoozing in my bed. My human likes Monday nights because she's got two episodes of Corrie and Eastenders to watch. Do things get any better than this in lock down???????


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