Life's tangled skein

By atp

2017-11-12 (Day 316) Love And Kisses

While Cameron was at golf today, I went for a run. Part of it was to try to get my head around how training for the marathon will work; where I can start running from and to, and how much time I am going to have.

I found myself in a part of Falkirk I had not been to before - including this statue in the undeveloped part of The Helix that is the Abbotshaugh Community Woodland

This sculture, by Scottish artist Jephson Robb, is called "Love and Kisses". It has a profile based on that of a laurel leaf. The laurel, of course, has Roman connections, and the choice of a laurel references Falkirk's Roman heritage.

Yet from different angles the structure can be seen to resemble a heart, or a pair of lips - hence its name of Love And Kisses.

And, if I'm honest, it does have a resemblance to a ladies' bicycle saddle...

As for the run, I concentrated on running fairly slowly, to get myself used to training pace. I ran for ten miles, and I'm glad to say that by the end of it I still felt fresh and could have kept going for another while.

Another 16.2 miles? Hmm...

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