
By GirlKojak


To the complaint, 'There are no people in these photographs,' I respond, There are always two people: the photographer and the viewer.
(Ansel Adams)

KaliBug's February Challenge: 25) A Landscape

It will ultimately be up to you (the viewer) to decide whether this could be classed as a landscape or not. Confusion over the definition of the word dictated this choice of blip earlier in the challenge. But this time I haven't played it safe! The following questions are a few that had me puzzled with regard to 'a landscape':
-Does it have to be land (rather than 80% sea/sky!)?
-Does there have to be sky (and therefore a horizon)?
-Does it have to be wider than it is high (as in 'landscape' setting on a printer)?
-Can it include a main subject in the foreground (eg a house, statue, animal...), with the scenery taking a secondary role?
-Does it have to be predominantly natural (ie not urban/ industrial)?
-How distant (or otherwise) does the furthest point (horizon, if there is one) have to be?

I'm not expecting answers to all of these questions - I'm merely expressing my ponderings. I asked my friends at our church group last night, and they assured me that this (as described to them) would qualify, but I leave it up to you!

I took this shot from the harbour wall at Seaham. It is no CarolineJay wave, and it isn't the best shot I took either artistically or technically (none were great, to be honest!), but I loved the spray. I got soaked - even the anglers were standing about six metres back from the edge!

Here's a harbour song which I may or may not have linked to before, but it seemed appropriate.

Check out my latest Stanley blip which I uploaded earlier this evening.

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