
By pose

I was so disorganised this morning slash just not massively in the mood to go away again. It's never good packing in a hurry. I wanted to wear my new cardigan which doesn't go with any of my coats so I stupidly decided not to take a coat for the weekend... or a scarf. I was freezing as soon as I stepped out of the house.

Bus to the station, train to Winch, car to Guildford. Never try and pack in Guildford. It's a nightmare, we drove round forever trying to park. We ended up having to walk quite a distance to get to the church. We got there and had a team meeting, made up the welcome packs, set chairs out, put up decorations etc. I got a bit hangry... actually very hangry, so I volunteered to go to town and buy the chocolates for our hosts so I could get something to eat too. I was fine again once I ate (and after I stopped feeling sick from eating too fast).

Est and I drove to our hosts house to drop off our stuff and say hi. We got back late and all the studes had started to turn up and we were supposed to be welcoming them at the station. I saw GT and Nai and Winch peeps who I haven't seen in bare so I was very happy.

We had nachos and chilli for dinner. Then our first meeting which Motsy spoke at. Est and I left early to start making all the hot chocs. I felt my hot choc skills were pretty good. I got a nice froth on them from my whisking... just like the coffee shops have.

Chatted with GT and peeps before going to our hosts house. I had a double bed to myself... that's unheard of when we go away. Est and I were so excited but then realised it meant we couldn't have our usual chats before bed so she came in and chatted anyway. I then read some Beano's I found... I felt like i was about 10 again. It was great.

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