
By Cailleach

Nearia hysteria....

It is a truth universally acknowledged (in my very small world, at least) that I am a terrible giggler.

Twenty five years ago, when my best friend Jennifer was planning her wedding, she warned me not to catch her eye as she walked up the aisle, lest we start laughing. However, she forgot to ban me from looking at her on her way down the aisle, and consequently she and I roared with laughter the whole way out of the church (mystifying for everyone but us)....

Today at work, a customer farted.
VERY loudly.

He carried on talking, as though nothing had happened, but I could feel myself starting to smirk....
Now I know it isn't funny, but I caught my friend Sylvia's eye, and that was it - I was lost, helpless with laughter, tears streaming down my face, unable to speak......

Sometimes, I think I need a good talking to...............

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