Today's challenge:~~ Quiet: Take a photo of quiet. What does it look like to you?

Around this time in the evening the cats are always asleep. Until Neil arrives and then they wake up to investigate. Today he isn't due until around 10.30 pm so for another hour or so it will be peaceful.

When she is awake Lily is a very noisy little kitty. For a small cat she has a very loud meow. She purrs loudly too. And she snores when she is in a deep sleep. Tino never purrs and never meows. He gallops around the place and howls - mostly when he is calling to Lily to come and play.

Until they both went to sleep this evening they have been having a wild time. Chasing around, jumping up high, snooping into cupboards, bounding up and down the stairs, play fighting etc.

Stayed in today intending to get a few chores done but its been one of those days when little things kept cropping up to distract me.

Becky e mailed saying that for some reason she needed to have a baby photo of herself for work tomorrow so she asked me if I could fish a few out, scan them and e mail them to her. So I had to spend some time doing that.

Then I opened some frozen sausage rolls and found a couple of pieces of what looked like white thread coming out of one of them. Phoned the company concerned and had a long conversation - they asked me to take a photo of the offending sausage roll and e mail it to them. They are going to send me a special envelope so that I can send the sausage roll and packaging to them to investigate. The guy on the phone was pleased that I had let them know as they need to investigate if there has been something going wrong in production.

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