Ramakins adventures

By Ramakin

Goodbye old fridge

Very excited about the delivery of our new fridge/freezer. Only been waiting two months!

This one has been a bit battered over the years and doesn't have a freezer compartment. Our freezer is in the garage which is a cold dash away down the long front lawn. Not great when weaning a baby and your stash of food for her is in there.

I have been darting to the freezer daily which can only be done when she takes her nap. I then get my two year old to watch me through the living room window, waving all the way there and back again. He then opens the front door for me as I clutch a freezing handful of baby food cubes. He then asks me did I find the pea's? This is what I told him I was doing the first few times and it's stuck like that now.

I really am excited, can you tell what tomorrows blip will be?

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