More cake

Frozen theme today. This was fun! Probably one of the last cakes I’m going to make before shutting down SweetArt! Oh man .. now what am I going to call my journal??? Oh the dilemma!

Ev, Chris and Addie came over for afternoon tea. Nice for Ev to get out and do something different other than home and hospital. I made scones ... and she brought some rhubarb jam which was delicious.

After dinner, we had a Worship Team meeting on Zoom .. after ages. We haven’t met in person since last November as Hong Kong entered its 4th wave. And church went back on line. It was so good to see our friends again and fellow worship team members.

We announced to the whole team that we were leaving at the end of March, and discussed how to move forward. It’s been such a pleasure to serve and worship with these fine group of people (pic in extra).

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