Life's tangled skein

By atp

2015-03-03 (Day 062) Scottish Economic Strategy

Yesterday was an exciting day in the office - Scotland's First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, came to launch the Scottish Economic Strategy. She was accompanied by Finance Minister John Swinney and cabinet minister Roseanna Cunningham.

They chose Calnex because it is a high-tech, export-focused company with global reach and high growth. Exactly the kind of company that the Scottish Government wants to see flourish in Scotland.

Leaving aside the First Minister's politics, I was very impressed by the way she was able to deliver her message. When we, as TV viewers, see someone presenting a message and talking to camera, we do't realise how much is going on in front of the speaker. Photographers and video camera operators are moving around constantly, aiming for better angles. TV reporters are moving around, possibly even doing a live piece or recording something while the speaker is talking, and they are in her eye line. Minders are telling the journalists where they can stand yet not be in camera shot, and no doubt many other things I didn't spot. But the speaker doesn't allow herself to be distracted; she still gives her message and maintains eye contact with the camera.

Watching all the activity going on around the First Minister was undoubtedly something of an education - and undoubtedly enlivened the day at the office!

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