More Reading Matter

My Dear Princess, Loulou and Fellows,

Another second hand book arrived for me today. This one is a little less lovely, but I'm sure I'll enjoy it anyway.

Naturally, it is for the podcast. I decided to do an episode on a British producer called Tony Tenser who "discovered" Roman Polanski and also had his finger in a few other careers. 

He was one of those colourful wheeler-dealer types and I kind of love those stories from the 1960's about people like him - who would commission an artist to draw a LURID poster first and worry about making the actual film later. 

What I hadn't expected is for the book to be quite so thick. It may end up taking 3 or 4 episodes. But that's all right. It will be fun. 

In other news, we went over to Tiger and Loulou's cottage tonight for a lovely barbecue! It was pishing with rain, but that does not stop Tiger. His barbecue is out on the back porch so he and I stood out there while he cooked up a storm, listening to the rain and talking about his dream holiday - a tour of the Scottish islands. 

I hope he makes it over there soon. And that those of you in Scotland bestow Tunnocks and beer upon him.


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