... with one eye open.

By Chamaeleo

NHM: Central Hall Café

I've blipped a similar view to this before, but this one is formed from 2 landscape photos stitched together, so offers a slightly wider view (and more moody lighting).

This is the café behind the central hall at the NHM: it is the most beautiful of the cafés and displays many of the same design features as the central hall itself with unique ceiling panels (depicting plants of significance to humanity), arches, and satisfying symmetry. The café's roof is set at right-angles to the central hall's roof; the central hall is to my right here...

I was listening to music on my way home (my cocoon on the tube), and suddenly realised there was a commotion on the platform just to my left as I waited to board the Northern Line at Stockwell: it turns out that people were appalled by the presence of a "rat" just below the platform on the rails. It was a (tiny) mouse: an adorable, silky, very healthy-looking mouse. It cheered me up a lot.

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