More games
Today is uncle sams birthday. Unfortunately our video for him wasn't quite as good as for marmoo, because Chloe wouldn't sing, but she did blow him some kisses and wave bye.
We were going to do the same for Sam as we had for marmoo and do a doorstep delivery, but it snowed lots, so I decided it was safer to stay at home.
Me and Thomas played out in the snow whilst Chloe was in bed, and then when she woke up we played more games with her. This time alphabet lotto - she played it so well! Thomas was very patient with her when she wouldn't put the pictures back if they didn't match her board, and she ended up winning!
Mum and dad walked round to do a doorstep drop off of some things, Thomas and Chloe enjoyed waving at them and chatting to them and Chloe was sad when they left.
Me and Thomas played laser quest this evening before bed time, the little cheat hid up on his bed and covered his target with a cushion so that I couldn't get him!!
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