Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

A long way from home

There are half a dozen Belted Galloway cattle grazing freely on our local moor. I have no idea why. We’re a long way from Scotland but they are something of a local fixture. Apparently the zebra crossing look is a result of cross breeding with a Dutch strain.

I’m surprised they haven’t been banned or deported with all this Brexit nonsense that’s going on.

We had a really nice afternoon walk and clocked up eight thousand steps under blue skies. Such a relief when the days start lengthening. This after a lazy morning in bed; I managed to read the Guardian Weekend edition more or less cover to cover. Harrowing account of the Uyghurs in China; first time I’ve really understood the cultural genocide in that region. I find it really difficult to understand how China can be so advanced in so many ways and yet so oppressive in others. But it has a long history in that area.

The long walk was a good excuse for some hot chocolate when we got home. Sat reading and listening to the hauntingly beautiful music from Schindler’s List.

Thai food tonight, and hopefully a catch-up with TGR in Canada.

Good day.

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