
By hannahstar


This is a rubbish photo and doesn't do the beautiful roses justice... but I am feeling too tired and frustrated to be bothered to get a better photo...
My Dad gave these to my Mum for her birthday.

Today has been ok, it felt like the longest day of my life! Every lesson dragged, and then we had extra revision after school. This evening I tried to log on to blip and my email on our laptop but it kept saying my passwords were wrong, when they so obviously weren't! My brother and Dad tried logging on to their emails and stuff and it worked so there is something wrong with my stuff which is very annoying and slightly worrying, as it might be a virus or something because my Dad noticed there was some trojan thing or something on there earlier, to be honest, I don't really understand it at all! ... :S I am now using my brother's laptop, but am not feeling too happy.........

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