Saturday's painting...

...I woke up at 2am and thinking about this GP letter to write fully woke me up. (I don't think I have explained that in previous posts, but you might get the gist of it from this).

But I had gone to bed at 6pm (felt sleepy), so I have had my 8 hours.

Yesterday I collected my medicines and because it was such a beautiful clear day with the sun was out first thing, instead of coming straight back home the short way, I drove the slightly longer way home.There were very few cars out. And then when I got on higher land, I could see snow covered Snowdonia. That was very uplifting. It was a very bright clear day.

Coming back home, a stream had burst its banks, flooded houses, so a detour was needed. I came back through some ancient woodlands which was glorious with the sunlight coming through the trees. I was glad I took that route back home. It gave me ideas for paintings.

So, when I woke up at 2am I began work on this digital painting. It is not finished. It never will be. It was painted while I was doing my thinking processes on this GP letter I need to write over some concerns I have, to the Practice Manager. Also an online friend who is often online at those hours invited me to chat. So I told her about the GP letter and what led up to it. And the fact I now belong to a doctorless GP surgery. And that all health care has now to be done online via the NHS e-Consult site because the NHS now run my Surgery. 

Her opinion was that I was wasting my time. I had also told her about the so called missed appointments in 2019 which was written on my MyHealthOnline account (within this e-Consult thing), in the appointments section, but none of these appointments had ever been given me, and they are with people (none of them Doctor's names, but women's names beginning with Ms or Mrs Somebody or other) I have never heard of. There are 6 of them.

My nighttime online friend said I was wasting my time, that the GP surgery would insist that I had been sent them. But I keep copies of ALL my prescriptions, and I looked at the 2019 ones, and there is nothing on any of them to tell me I had any appointments in 2019. In addition I keep all the texts I have had from that GP surgery, they have notified me by text in the past. But there are no notifications on these so called no show missed appointments that I was supposed to have had.

My online friend told me to forget it, and that it wasn't worth bringing any of this up, and was only going to cause trouble for me. She wouldn't entertain me writing that letter and was emphatic I leave it.

I am still writing this letter. I think it is important. There are things I need to inform them and say about my records.

So this digital painting was being painted as I am talking on chat with my online friend, and as I am thinking about what I want to say on this letter to the Practice Manager of my surgery, and how I say it.

Just a bit of further information on my doctorless surgery. When I had that traumatic appointment with that nurse who changed my pessary last September '20, and she caused excessive bleeding (oh and by the way, that pessary appointment is NOT on the list of appointments I had in 2020, I wonder why?), and that was when I first found out this was now a doctorless surgery, I researched online when I got home.

I discovered was that there was something called e-Consult, and this is marketed as the online solution for NHS run GP practises, which in English means for doctorless practices. Now, I have NEVER had a letter or any information at any time from my GP practice of any of this or the new way to do things.

My GP practice in early 2019 still had about 6 GP's and some part-time GP's. Now it is run through e-Consult, which means filling in this NHS site form with a million tick boxes as you try to self diagnose your problem. As I found out a couple of days ago while I tried to navigate it to send a message to my GP practice to ask about this appointment for last Friday, I have never been notified of. And the site insisted I answered 20 pages of most inappropriate questions, including of my 'gambling habits' which they asked in every way possible, before it would allow me to access a box of very limited characters to use.

Yesterday I did a bit more digging online because someone suggested I get a different GP. Alas no. This is not possible. Why? Because it would make no difference to my current situation. I found out yesterday that there are now 6 doctorless surgeries in my local area. They are all run by NHS e-Consult for the NHS run GP practices. There are no actual GP run practices in this area.

If each of those had 6 GP's then that is 36 GP's out of a job or retired, and it means there are 36 GP's that do not need training now to replace them. This is just my local area.

I also found out that the person who invented/created/designed this e-Consult system, intended it for busy GP practices to help with their workload. It was NEVER intended to be a replacement for a a GP surgery.

A friend said that this is now sounding like a people-less robot medical healthcare experiment for my area.

I have been thinking about that. And there is no money in the coffers in my county. Because of poor investment here, an increased population, and consequently they are using 'Intelligent Technology' to fill that gap cheaply. I live on the poor side of the track.

So here is my digital painting for today. Within it is my thoughts and feelings, and processes of thought about my GP (less) Practice.

It is snowing very heavily here.

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