Water Dragon (up a tree)
Saturday - visit mother....
Did not have a real camera with me with a zoom so I crept up to this fellow perched about a metre up a bush. This was taken on my phone from about 30cm away - I guess it "thought" that if it stayed still I would not notice it.
The "village" where my mum and dad live has a number of creeks running through it. There would have to be hundreds of these living in and around the village. This one is one a family that in my parents' front garden (taking refuge in the pond when my dog tries to grab it). They get fed lots of morsels - so perhaps it's just domesticated.
My sister, a chemist by trade but with training in sciences, tells me this is probably not really a water dragon and refers to it as an arboreal agamid (so I guess technically then it's a Tree Dragon).
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