... Page 11 of BirdWatching Magazine!!!
I have purposefully not said anything about this because I didn't want to jinx myself, but now it is official ... I have gotten my first photo published in a national magazine! That is my photo on the right, of the two woodpeckers. Some of you will recognize it from seeing it here on Blip. I also posted it on Flickr, which is where the editor of BirdWatching saw it. He contacted me and asked if I would be willing to sell them rights to use the image in their April magazine - and of course, I said yes. And I even got paid (a small sum, but still...)
So I am feeling a bit over the moon right at the moment. My copy of the magazine arrived yesterday (after I'd blipped) and when I opened it and saw my photo ... well, just wow. Something else arrived in today's mail, but I shall wait until tomorrow to tell you about that... :)
Thank you for sending my quarreling birds to the Spotlight yesterday. Interestingly, Flickr also picked that shot for their Explore page, which is always a big ego boost.
I am so far behind on commenting that I think I shall just start over from scratch. Hope you'll forgive me - it has been a rather crazy couple of weeks here but I hope that things are all getting straightened out now...
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