
I went to the indonesian Embassy in Grosvenor Square today to get my visa for Bali in April and went to Selfridge afterwards, I am loving the series Mr Selfridge on Sunday nights, the building is stunning and I love this staue but I have to say I was a little disappointed with the interior, I wished it had been more old fashioned, I was impressed with the lifesize jelly bean Mr Selfridge however and had lunch at Yo Sushi in there and found an amazing choclatier called. Artisan du Chocolat, I had a tobacco chocolate, delicious and a fresh mint one, amazing! I was also sprayed with perfume, so all in all rather pleasant.

Then I went to the V&A and saw the Light from the Middle East exhibition which was great!

Zebedee is being very brave, I am really proud of him, it's very hard having to say goodbye to all his friends but I keep reassuring him that he can keep in touch with them easily. His base group tutor is letting him do Art all day tomorrow as it's his last day, that really choked me up, she is amazing and we are really going to miss her.

Karate Tuesday, lovely catch up with Sarah and Jo after the half term break.

I have made a lamb pilaff for the first time, smells yummy!

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