I walked with Moira this morning, the first time since August! She brought Buddy with her, so we walked the coastal path and back across the side of the golf course, and chatted all the way. It was lovely and there is an extra as we finished.
When I got back I called the doctors surgery (only spent half an hour getting through), and to my surprise although there were no appointments at the surgery, she could give me one at ‘the hub’! I’m still none the wiser exactly what it is, other than I went to the local day care centre, which of course is closed, but which has a doctors office. A real doctor, who opened his door on the dot of my appointment time, did the necessary test and prescribed some anti biotics. I hope we get to keep ‘the hub, it normally takes at least a week to get an appointment.
Had a long catch up with Stef this afternoon, followed by the team quiz! What a busy day!.
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