Everything's A Toy

Running at Full Speed, Fletcher and Mira in some serious play over a twig! He outweighs her by ten pounds and is larger by several inches, but she's stronger and much more aggressive during their play. He enjoys her intensity but we have to watch them closely and separate them when it gets too rough. Fletcher has a luxatilng patella. His right back kneecap pops out of place and causes him pain later in the day. He's on anti-inflammatory meds and is, so far,  doing ok. Our Vet said that it's rather unusual for a large dog to have this problem and it's usually seen in smaller breeds. But he's 12.5% French Bulldog and maybe that's where it came from. We are a house full of leg and knee issues. hahaha
I hope that all of you are able to secure your Covid19 Vaccination sooner than later. I received my jab yesterday and this morning my arm feels like someone punched me, hard and several times! Guess that means my immune system is working just fine! ;) Have a Wonderful Weekend. Please stay Safe and Well.

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