Frozen wastelands ....
The sun is shining here today and we have blue skies which makes everything feel brighter.
The roads and pavements are generally clear thanks to the efforts of the council. The thaw has also began - we can now see patches of grass in our garden - but there are still expanses of snow and ice in parks and woodland paths. I was fascinated by the different thawing patterns on the recreation ground when we walked around today - a mixture of original snow, compacted snow from people walking on it, ice formation to name but a few.
Today has also seen two zoom meetings for one of the projects I'm involved in, Gaelic practice and I'm about to settle down for some writing practice. It is great to have the time to do all of these.
Today's Gaelic lesson provided a contender for my favourite Duolingo sentences:
Feumaidh a pithead spùinneadair-mara ùr -the parrot needs a new pirate
which is almost on par with
Latha eile, geansaidh eile - another day, another sweater
And of course it is once again Friday - have a lovely weekend all.
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