It's A Minute To Midnight

By Draco

Some Sort Of Normality.....

Well it is for me! I've been longing to take a moon shot for ages.I've been out of  action after having the unfortunate bad luck (story of my life) of getting Covid.
My fella and I have both had it at the same time and been completely wiped out by it. A vile illness and I hope never to get again.
If only people would just go along with staying at home and obeying the rules so that we could eradicate this virus for good, but unfortunately there are so many dick heads about it will take years to get back to a normal. 
I got called back to work after my "Isolation period" was up and although I felt very drained and tired I didn't have any symptoms anymore. After checking with NHS track and trace and other authorities I was deemed perfectly ok to go back to work without requiring another test. 
I have been back a week and a half now and feel normal again. My partner only went back yesterday as he was off longer as he was far worse than me. 
We do not have stay at home jobs, we together, do jobs the general public couldn't do without but it vexes me the lack of respect for KEY workers and peoples constant disregard for trying to help kill off this bloody virus.  I personally think people like that should get it and then perhaps they would realise its no bloody joke! 
Stop whinging about being bored and be grateful they are not suffering with it. 
We at work are now having to employ a security guard to stop people coming in and not wearing masks thinking its a big friggin joke! 
And how many times do people have to be told when they do their shopping that ONE person should do it! Its not a family affair and not husbands and wives spending three years deciding what chocolate to pig out on every day being furloughed and whinging at the telly!
It makes me so mad, and bringing in their five kids to run riot in the store touching everything after picking their snotty little noses!
Ok .....I think my rant is over 


Its a bloomin minute to MIDNIGHT........

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