Having checked the weather forecast last night I knew I’d be up for sunrise this morning so thought I’d revisit the “Souvenir” seeing as it’s been nearly a month since I last Blipped her. The dawn and sunrise (and the day too) were wonderful and once I knew I’d got a reasonable shot in the bag I decided to go for a walk on Two Tree Island to a place labelled “Egret Pools” on Google Maps… somewhere I’d walked past plenty of times but never bothered to visit. If you look at the above photo, to the right of the boat, in the background there’s a bank/sea wall. Between the boat and the bank is a creek and beyond the bank is where the “Egret Pools” are.
Anyway, a path led me straight to a small hide. There were no egrets there (obviously!) but it did seem to be a meeting place for a few ducks etc. so I took a seat and watched the world go round for a while. Then, on the far bank, something caught my eye. My long lens was already on so I took a peak, and there was a kingfisher… a bird I have never seen in the flesh before! To put this amazingly wonderful experience into perspective, I couldn’t really see the thing without looking through the camera and 500mm lens, an example of the view using 500mm is in the 1st Extra… yes, it was bloody miles way and I was at 10k ISO, but beggars can’t be choosers. I’ve added another shot of it doing its thing, which is obviously terrible quality, but it put a smile on my face :)
Edit: Extra deleted due to space reasons
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