
By HeartFreek

Girls that do!

Day 57

Bit of a hectic day!!

Collected daughter number 1 from garage at 9am (brake pads/discs) and bought her home.

Phonecall from work to cancel this afternoon but was given another child instead. Boo.

Watched My Little Princess that I recorded with daughter number 1, that is due to star daughter number 2 on 8th April. (will remind you nearer the time!)

Laughed alot! So cringy!

Took my car to garage at 11 (rear washer not working), luckily still under warranty.

Got Lena (my Lady that does starred above!) to colllect me from garage and we met 2nd Lady that does, Sally, at the Garden centre for a bit of what we do. Looked at plans, leant a shoulder and a tissue, had a laugh, drank lots of tea, now smell of onions. Was hoping to add a link here to 10th Feb, showing Lena at a different time of day!! But I havn't sussed it yet!
AH, think Iv only gone and done it!!!!! Can you only add one link at a time?

Collected car at 2pm. All fixed and CLEAN!!

Drove 48 miles to work for 3.10 to be cancelled again!!

Home by 4.30 and playing with camera that I should have taken in to repair shop yesterday - can't quite part with it!!! Ill do it tomorrow!

Will be collecting daughter number 1 from work at 10pm and break the bad news of her brake bill. She was expecting £120. Sorry Emily, but it was 4 times that!!!


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