Grubby sheep

After making several phone calls around mum this morning I wanted to get myself out into the air for a walk. It rained the whole time but it was good to be out and about and I managed 11000 steps, quite a few more than of late!
The hospital rang me with an update on mum. Everything has improved since her admittance yesterday but things could change and she is not completely out of the woods yet. It's just a waiting game, one day at a time. She sounded very weary and low this morning. This evening she was definitely in better spirits. She has finally eaten, not lots but so good to hear that she has had some proper food. She was pleased that someone had called me and I was able to tell her they are pleased with results so far.
I had a lovely video call this afternoon as my granddaughter was opening the gift we sent for her birthday. It was so good to see her and her sister's happy smiling faces. Mummy had made a beautiful cake, extra photo. She was having a fun filled day. Definitely lifted my day.

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