Climbing the Hill & Braving the Belly of the Beast
OMG what a day. A long busy, inspiring, historical and finally feeling exhausted Day. I stood up early, because I had to write and call and calculate one of the last important financial affaires which are part of heritage matters. You just have to undertake and care for these things in an orderly way. Now there are two kinds of complications here. One is that part of relevant bankingdocuments apparently are somewhere in our Dutch archives, factually inaccessable because of Covid-restrictions. I have not been there since July last summer.
A second is that our Dutch Banking-organisation is only in service via international Phone or email, while all accountmanagers are working part-time from home-office. In short, since the start of the pandemic I have been assisted by a changing multitude of people, who have to find out about my requests from their Helpdeskscreens. In more than a six monthstime we did make progress but we are still stuck on a few contantly returning difficult points.
I know this is really boring stuff. But though at First sight it has nothing to do with creativity or poiesis, it turns out that you need so much patience and inventivity, that I want to make a connexion with that other time and energyconsuming public affair: the American Presidential Elections.
Instead of being sufficiently informed in November. We have been dragged on and almost away since then. Untill, OMG, finally today we could witness The Beast’s departure and welcome our new Era with Kamala&Joe and Jill&Dough. ThankGod Bless Our Great History of American Democracy. Sure, you all have been following the networks all day. I did multitasking on my bankaffairs, walking my Riverside Walk and listening to all those speeches, To our new President, and to keep it short for tonight, those heavenly godesses, only to name Amanda Gorman, this brilliant Young Starr, so wonderfully lifting us up on her magic wings to see far over the history of Capitol Hill. Let me honour the American People in gratitude for the renewal of our common future in citing the last Lines of her great poem:
"When day comes, we step out of the shade, aflame and unafraid. The new dawn blooms as we free it. For there is always light if only we’re brave enough to see it, if only we’re brave enough to be it."
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