
By ayearinthelife

The River

Took a walk down to see how the river was coping with all the rain we have had over the last 24 hours. The water was certainly roaring over the weir but the level wasn’t as high as it might have been. If you want a comparison, look back to my blip of 25th November which shows the river comparatively just trickling over the weir! I suspect that the worst is yet to come as it is usually a couple of days after the rain stops that we get the highest levels due to the run off from the fells making it’s way downstream. I don’t think it will flood though, so the nearby residents can sleep easy - for this week, anyway!
Managed not to get as comprehensively soaked as yesterday and the walk was consequently a lot more enjoyable.
Weekly shop this morning and a bit of a shock to the wallet as we seemed to have run out of just about everything! Despite saying we would eat healthier and cook more meals from scratch, we still seemed to have ended up with quite a few microwaveable ready meals - possibly because they were all reduced and yellow stickered. Well, every little counts!
Elsewhere in the world, that odious little shit Donald Trump is finally out of office. Let’s hope Biden is given some slack to put things right - you can’t undo four years of mismanagement in a week.

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