His Lordship

Sir Minstrel Furr-Mogg! Or so he claims! He's a pure back alley mouser, but he landed on his little fluffy paws in the lap of luxury!

Over to the Folks again today. I have been told to "Piss off" at least 50 times but hey ho - otherwise not too bad a visit.  I had beds to change, floors to sweep and pots to wash. Tomorrow I'll have some calls to make and appointments to sort out.

The relief and euphoria of the vaccine launch of a few weeks ago seems to have worn off doesn't it? Now there are questions about its effectiveness, talks of more future lockdowns for years to come as vaccines strive to keep up with Covid mutations, the notion that everyone (majority!) will need to be vaccinated again every year. It's not the magic bullet we thought...

People no longer seem to be raring to go back out into life either, and that can only get worse. The longer we live with restriction and isolation the more cowed and institutionalised we become - a mute and biddable people hiding behind our masks.

Maybe it isn't so bad - I was awake from 4 AM this morning for a loo visit, and could not get back to sleep thanks to Brian's clicking, Darth Vader impersonations and Heathrow flight-path level snoring. For some reason it was boiling hot like a summer night too - I kicked out my hot water bottle and threw off the covers, but still could not get comfortable. Maybe it has affected my outlook! 

The weather has been dull, gloomy and damp too. I decided to go with a cat photo rather than trail round the park in the murk.

I have just listened to (most of) Joe Biden's inauguration speech - he certainly talks a good game. Let's see how well he delivers... 

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