
Since I was at the farm shop last week the orchard as been declared “off limits” even for takeaway coffees etc. The remaining options seemed to be the car or the car park. 

I am not a drink and drive person when it comes to coffee (nor indeed a takeaway person, given the choice). A coffee is for a pause. A break. Kaffeepause as they say in Germany. Time for a chat with friends or colleagues, or just to be enjoyed on my own. 

Consequently, I took my solitary coffee and muffin in the car park. It was muddy. It was raining. It was 2ºc. 

After a couple of minutes feeling slightly depressed by this scenario, I realised the coffee and muffin were excellent. My surroundings were tranquil. I had the right clothes on for the weather. I could forget the outside world for 10 minutes. 

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