Gap filling E Blip

Oops - didn't get anything worth posting yesterday and as I was organising a camera club presentation via Zoom for the evening a screen shot will have to do!

Our presenter, Simon Harding, talked about nightscape photography,  combining astronomy with some foreground interest.  Quite often he had a piece of agricultural hardware light painted as a foreground, with the milky way as the background. His images were spectacular and I can see a few of us wanting to have a go.  We're looking at organising an evening meetup at Tysoe Windmill to practice some of the techniques once the restrictions are lifted.

My blip is a first attempt at replacing our camera club pin-board. We don't go for formal competitions, but we do have a board at the back of the hall where members can bring prints to display.  Doing these as a share screen gallery worked well, so we'll continue with it until we can meet up in person again.

I have an RPS session tomorrow evening on what makes a good photograph which should be interesting, but I'll have to be sure to get a blip done before kick-off :-)

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