Scarlett O'Hara

By scarlett

48 Hours to go...

...until I have to go and lie on abeach in Barbados for two weeks.

So much still to do. First, the diet that I started a month ago has worked, my wieght has changed and I now wiegh 2lbs more than when I began, and lets face it, the only thing I exercise is caution. Bugger.

Off to a good start then.

In between conference calls today, I applied the moisturiser that declares 'gradually builds to a natural looking tan'. Like hell it does, WAG orange is the result, so firmly fixed, only a sandblaster will remove it.

Next, paint nails, toe and finger. Followed by depiliate all areas. Teezer, shape and colour eyebrows.

Discover last years sun tan cream has solidified, throw away, add to ever increasing shopping list, that I MUST fulfil, tomorrow, no Friday, oh sod it get it at the airport.

Currency, passport, tickets, luggage lables, all not present and correct. Travel insurance, put the bins out, clear the fridge, turn off the gas, don't tell kids gone on holiday or they might move back in.

Empty entire summer wardrobe on bed. Sort through. Discard anything that doesn't fit, needs washing, or is sooooo obviously last season. Put everything back in wardrobe. Start another shopping list.

Power up camera battery, toothbrush charger, phone charger, blackberry.

Preparation is the key.

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