...and baby makes 3

By babysoukup

Miles had his 2 year check up today (and we brought in our own medical kit while we waited). He did extremely well, and our doctor said he was developing great. Our doctor also said that based on his interaction with Miles during the appointment that his development and cognitive skills are above average. I mentioned that I was glad to hear this, as I often compare Miles to one of his friends at school who can already speak in paragraphs and read (literally!). The doctor said she was a prodigy and that Miles is still doing ok.

I found it fascinating that even though we haven't been to the doctor since September, that Miles remembered that we can see buses from the office windows, and requested to look out the second we walked in the room. He also counted to five on his fingers for the doctor (honestly the first time I've seen him do that), and when he heard crying next door he yelled, "Oh no baby sad!" He didn't cry once (except for right after his shot) and was a very willing patient during the checkup...which always seems to impress the doctor.

His stats:
27 pounds 3 ounces
35 inches long

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