Halkett Presbyterian Church

I'm fond of small country churches, especially the wooden ones that are better suited to our seismic activity.

I passed this one on my way to The Willows recreational area. I visited it 3 Sundays ago with my friend Spike. The rolling ups and downs of the trail challenged my walking and I was keen to see how I'd cope today.

Last night's dinner with my guest was late and I should have factored that in. But walking was so much better - not perfect but within cooee. So why not break into a jog I thought.

It was ok but then my walking in a straight line was tested. Somehow I ended up off the track and near fences beside a defence area.

With bullet cases littering the ground I had an incentive to find the carpark. 1.5kms later I did. No harm done.

Today's gratitude: For continuing to see improvements on my concussion recovery journey.

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