Aithsvoe Reflections

A lovely calm day, mostly sunny, some clouds passing over, and the odd light shower.   A fine calm night, with the odd shower. 

Another day working from home, and more photos sorted out.  Headed down the road at lunchtime, as sister Laura needed me to take down Harold's medication from the vet.  Mam came along this evening, and we had a fine walk.  Feet up, and then a mouse ran across the sitting room floor and behind the cabinet!! Trap set, and caught him already!  Might need to set a few more, just in case.  Things aren't getting any better with Coronavirus.  Another five cases here today.  

How does the weather know when I'm on lunch? Seems to be a common occurrence, sun shines, take my lunch and it clouds over.  The clouds did help make some fine reflections here though.  Taken at Aithsvoe, Cunningsburgh.  

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